311th Regular Meeting(2023-01-28)

Data: Saturday, 28th January 2023

Venue: Online

Time : 10:00 – 11:45

Today’s Word: “Exhilarating”

We had the 311Th regular meeting on a very cold winter day online. Greeting was delivered from VP YK and the baton was passed to today’s toastmaster of morning(TMOM) HA. TMOM HA prepared the list of tongue twisters(e.g. “She sells seashells by the seashore”) for speaker to have fun and practice before starting their vocalization.    

■Good and New

Hosted by TMOM. HA, this is the unique program of Tokyo metropolitan toastmasters club to share something good & new happened in 24 hours. Everyone could share good & new with enjoying tongue twisters.

■News of the Week

TM. YK introduced ChatGPT, a chatbot launched by OpenAI generating sentences or modify texts by order on this program. The speech was very informative and this is the one of the benefit to be familiar with the latest technologies, trends & news at a toastmaster’s meeting since each member works for different industry with the different backgrounds.

■Prepared Speech

Two prepared speech speakers(TM. KK and DG) delivered the speech about the interesting topics. TM. KK talked about her process to make speeches by introduction of two methods. It was very useful topic for speakers to reconsider the way they make speeches. TM. DG talked about how cold shower works for physical and mental, as the most surprising health control habit he has ever heard.

■Table Topic

TM. HA hosted the program on behalf of other TM, who couldn’t join the meeting for a family affair. The topic was common in this season such as “How do you enjoy winter sports”,etc.

Total six speakers made their good try to make the impromptu speeches based on the topic given there suddenly.

TM. YK and TK won the best table topic award and a guest of the meeting Ms. S made an excellent debut to this impromptu speech competition. 


Two evaluators for each prepared speech speaker delivered their evaluations.   

TM. NE made the well-organized speech and pointed out three good and two to-be-improved points and TM. GS also made the well-organized evaluation.   

■Award Winners

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM. YK and TM. TK

TMOM. HA led the meeting with his warm and appropriate comments to each speakers and TM. DG validated the meeting with his detailed review on each section, as the general evaluator of the day.

The meeting was closed with a little extension due to some information exchanges about the speech contest on March and friendly chat.

Written by DG