Regular Meeting #270, 4/24

The meeting was conducted in English.
It was held both on-site and online by hybrid style.
6 member attended at the venue, Kudan life long education center.
6member and 1guest attended online.
The guest is a member of TMC  in Sacramento, CA. USA.

Toastmaster of the morning was TM K.K
She was the first timer as TMOM and prepared very well.

Word of the day:”Brightness/ 明るさ” by TM Y. S

News of the week: TM H.A.
“Plastic bottle recycling to Shikakeology”
He used slides with pictures to show the contrast and explained it clearly.

1st prepared speech: TM D.G
Speech Title “The long and winding road”
He used to be a member of TMC about 10 years ago.   This speech was second “ Icebreaker”.
The speech was about his job  career .  He describe his own turning point of his life and the change of his inner life.
He successfully came back to TMC.

2nd prepared speech: TM A.I
“はい、私やってみます” Yes, I’ll do it. (in Japanese)
The speech was rehearsal for Division B contest next day.  She humorously talked about the various challenges she has faced since entering college. It gave courage to those who are often hesitant to take the first step.
Many members gave  her feedback instead of individual evaluation.

Business session : Mini workshop “クラブの運営について知ろう“ Learn about club management (15min)
TM. Y.K, the past president and chair of the incoming officer selection committee, explained about the club’s management, and the officers in attendance described the responsibilities and rewards of their work.

In toastmasters meetings, speeches are not only prepared one but also
improvisational one.
Improvisational speech is called “Table Topics Speech”.

That day’s Table Topics Speech session was arranged by TM G.S.
There were 4 topics, and all of the topics were related to current news.
For example, a topic was “If you were Japanese Prime Minister, how would you talk with US President?”
3 members  and 1 guests gave a brief and impressive speech.

In  Evaluation session, I controlled as General Evaluator.
TM S.K had an individual evaluation for TM D.G. He made an excellent point and gave some specific advice for next speech.
I reviewed the meeting from beginning to end and gave my opinions.
The warm-up program, Good & New, I called on everyone to follow the original rules, 15 seconds per person, and to give as many people as possible the opportunity to talk.
Not that is matters, but  I gave an advice the speakers who make online presentation to make the blank space of the slides larger so that the contents would not be hidden by signage.

Best speaker: TM D.G
Best Table Topics Speaker: TM S.H.

Thanks to TMOM’s excellent time management and the cooperation of the attendees, the meeting ended on time and with a lot of excitement!

Witten by TM T.K

第269回 通常例会 (4/10)

2021年4月10日 東京メトロポリタンTMC第269回日本語例会記録
今週のニュースはSさん ニュースは、ネットや新聞、新聞で手に入れているが、どうやってニュースの出所など、ほとんどの人があまり関心を示さないニュースの報道の仕組みなどを解説していただきました。
準備スピーチは3本でした。一本目はAさん、AI(人口知能)についてのスピーチ、最近のAIは発達していて、人間を超えている所もあり、しかし町の表示など誤認識するところもあり、今後のAI展望と課題を話してくだいました。二本目はWさん、トーストマスターズで学んだリーダシップを的確にまとめ、リーダーシップの大事さと例会への準備基本の大事さをスピーチされました。Wさんはエリアダイレクターに今年度立候補され抱負と意気込みを話してくれました。メトロのメンバーは全員応援しています。3本目はIさん Iさんが全世界のトーストマスターズをオンラインで例会に参加され、韓国のトーストマスターズのメンバーと仲良くなった、韓国のトーストマスターズメンバーJさんと東京メトロと合同例会の案内についてスピーチされました。

1.Gさん: 洗濯、掃除など家事の中であなたが好きなものは何ですか?
2. Oさん :洗濯、掃除など家事の中であなたが好きなものは何ですか?
3. Sさん:あなたが、家事で上達したいものは何ですか?
4. Iさん: 最近買った家電で良かったものは何ですか?
〇ベスト論評: Kさん
以上、問責 S