Meeting minutes 2020/2/22

 The 242th Regular Meeting was held on February 22, 2020 at Kudan Lifelong Learning Hall.

 We had a new guest and everyone actively participated in the meeting.

 Today's TMOM was TM R.Y.
 Today's Word of the Day was announced by TM D.M. It is No legacy is so rich as "Honesty" in English and "syoujiki" in Japanese. He cited this word from W.Shakespeare.

 There were 3 prepared speeches.
 First speech was made in English by H.A. with the title "Flamingo". We'll have some troubles in bone if you don't exercise. Osteoblast gets weaker when you get old, so you should try to do monkey cymbals, go up the stairs and stand up like a Flamingo.
 Second speech was made in Japanese by TM T.T. with the title "日韓合同例会 - これまでの軌跡と今後の展開について" He told us about Japan Korea joint meeting in 8 years. We held the meeting in Korea and Japan. We organized the meeting in Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul and Busan. We went to Kyoto, Nikko and other cities. He introduced the past meeting and the comming next joint meeting. Why don't you join the meeting at April 11th?
 The last speech was made by T.K. with the title "恋するフォーチュンスリップ(修正版)" He improved his speech for the area contest next month. He drew a fortune slip of bad luck last year. He had a leg injury and stayed home in the last holiday season in May. He went to the same temple and drew a fortune slip of bad luck again this year. He and we don't know the future and the result of the area contest.

 Table Topics Session was conducted by TM Y.Y.
 The theme was Movies. He gave 4 interesting questions. Those topics were Dream, Japanese culture, Family and your favorite movie. It was his first time to lead Table Topics session, but he did it so successfully and we enjoyed answering to his questions.

 Evaluation session was led by General Evaluator TM G.S. Today's evaluators for the prepared speeches were TM D.M., TM Y.M. and TM Y.K. Those Evaluators gave a lot of advice to today's speakers.

 The Awards were given to the following members;
 Guest S for the Best Table Topics Speaker,
 TM Y.K. and TM D.M. for the Best Evaluator,
 TM H.A. for the Best Speaker.

 February 22nd, 2020, written by TM G.S.