282th Regular Meeting (2021-10-23)

The 282th general meeting was held by hybrid(onsite/online) with the costume play of participants cerebrating the seasonal event “Halloween”. Participants were wearing the costume of a pirate, magician, witch, golfer and Nurikabe^^)

Prepared Speech : TM G.

Title: Golf. Golf. Golf!

He is into playing golf these days. He talked about his love toward golf by 3 topics(1. his own history to start golf, 2. Analysis about the recent recovery of golf popularity, 3. Tip for beginners). He started to playing golf when he worked in China despite of his past negative perspective against Golf but realized the excitement of the sports as he played hard. He also showed his analysis why lots of people began to play golf during this pandemic in Japan. At last he concluded his speech with some tips for a beginner.

News of the week: TM K

She introduced about the status of COVID 19 in New York since she moved to there this summer. She got vaccinated there. She reported about the pandemic in N.Y. now. Less than half people don’t wear a face mask at outside. There are rules what we have to wear the mask inside a building. Most pharmacies sells the mask, but The mask of quality isn’t better than Tokyo.

Table Topics: TM S

The table topics session was managed by TM S. He gave us six questions. Title is Halloween and autumn.
The six questions were as follows;

  1. Your Halloween memories.
  2. Autumn sports.
  3. Favorite Pumpkin dish.
  4. Impressions of Halloween.
  5. Autumn sweets
  6. Your next Halloween plans

Evaluation Session: TM S

TM S. took a role of General Evaluator. TM W. gave the speaker good evaluate some good points and some improvement points.

Special Session: TM K

TM K challenged the new program to make up a story by impromptu speech by every participants. The story was begun with the common phrase to start a fairy tale “Once upon the time~” by TM K and followed by other participants and the time to speech was limited in 1 minute. The impromptu made-up story was funny and interesting.

Award Winners:

Best Table Topic Speaker : TM K. TM W.

Best Speaker : TM G.

Congratulations for all award winners!

Thanks for great the time management and today’s meeting websites by TMOM K. The meeting was successfully adjourned on time.

This minutes was written by S.

第281回合同例会(10/9 w 茅ヶ崎サザンビーチTMC)

TMOMはメトロのメンバー 事前に準備された例会テーマは「気づきアンテナ」
GOOD AND NEWは、メトロオリジナルのプログラムですが、サザンのメンバーも一瞬でルール
ベストスピーカー C.Sさん
ベスト論評 S.Aさん
ベストテーブルトピックス A.Iさん

280th Regular Meeting (2021-09-25)

【Word of the day】

“fruitful” (adverb) / 実り多い

Grammarian introduced this adverb to make today’s meeting fruitful.

【Prepared Speech】

We have 2 speeches, one is in English and the other is in Japanese (special workshop-style).

“Aizuchi” (by TM K.K.)

“例会でデザインソフトの使い方を学ぼう” (by TM Y.K.)

【Table Topics Session】

*Table Topics: Training session for the impromptu speech

TM S.G. took the role of Table Topics Master.

He provided 4 topics relating to recent social and governmental issues.

Members made an effort to respond to these topics.


There were lots of learning experiences including Pathways, easy-speak, and club member’s website. I hope we will have the same kind of workshops.

【Next Meeting】

2021-10-09 (Sat.) Start at 10:00.

第279回通常例会(日本語 9/11)

本日は東京論評トーストマスターズクラブから4名(オンライン2名、会場2名)のゲスト を迎えて、ハイブリッド合同例会が開催されました。 


文法係のKさんより紹介された今日の言葉は「胸が高鳴る」(「胸が躍る」など他の用法も 可)例会内では多くのメンバーがこの言葉を取り入れ、記録的な活用が見られました。 


1本目のスピーチ 3分に届かなかったという最初のスピーチを経て、スピーチや役割を積 極的に引き受けた結果、様々なリーダーとしての経験が得られたこと、そしてトーストマス ターズクラブを続ける理由が共有されました。 

2本目のスピーチ 業界特有「待つ」時間が生じやすいという新しい視点から、思いがけな い場所で待たされた経験や待つことに焦点を当てたスピーチが披露されました。 


コロナでどこにも出かけられない中で、西暦2500年の宇宙旅行、時空旅行、億万長者の旅 行、天国に行けたらなど、想像力を問う質問が繰り出されました。これらに対して宇宙散 歩、テレワークからの休息、参勤交代、家族から教わりたいことなど、想像を超える視点か らのスピーチが返されました。 


準備スピーチに対して東京論評の4名の方から論評を頂きました。1つのスピーチに2名で 論評するという初めてのスタイルに加え、スピーカーへの具体的な例示での提案や、論評で の伝わりやすい伝え方等、今後のスピーチ・論評において勉強になる論評でした。 

◇ベストスピーカー Sさん 

◇ベスト論評賞 S・Oさん 

◇ベストトピックス賞 Kさん 

文責 K

#278 Regular Meeting (English 28 Aug)

We had a hybrid meeting. We had 6 members at venue and 11 members via online including 2 guests at Venue and 2 guests from Singapore.

TM I took a role of TMOM today and TM W presented ‘Word of the day’ which was “Smiley / ニコニコ、楽しい.”

TM I broke out the Good & New session and the meeting was warmed up. She gave a lot of smiles during the meeting and that makes the meeting “Smiley”😊

[Prepared Speech Session]

There were two English speeches.

1st Speaker : TM G

Title: Escape from the locked down city (Part 1)

The speaker was in Wuhan (武漢) when the city was locked down. It was a real story of how he could have survived in the locked down city. Unfortunately, time was not enough for the speech but the story will continue as part 2 next time. We cannot wait!!

2nd Speaker : TM A

Title: Don’t sleep through your life!

The speaker started some episodes with his mother and explained how precious our life is. He used natural body language which was his subject of his speech.

[Table Topics]

The table topics session was managed by TM K. She gave questions about how to advertise (A) to (B) and speakers has to advertise the product that Table Topic Master selected. It was not easy but good exercises for the sales person.

  1. Rice Bead Cooker to Family
  2. Avocado to Teenagers
  3. Kitchen Garden to Working Mothers
  4. Camping Car to Family
  5. Kickboard to Working Mothers
  6. Optical camouflage cloak to Retired People
[Evaluation Session]

TM K took a role of General Evaluator. Two evaluators, TM M and TM K gave not only good points but also points to be improved. They were helpful to all members.

[Award Winners]

Best Table Topic Speaker : TM S (Guest)

Best Evaluator :TM K

Best Speaker : TM A

Congratulations for all award winners! 

Thanks to the time management of TMOM, the meeting was successfully adjourned on time.

The next meeting will be a joint meeting with Tokyo Ronpyo (Evaluation) TMC and the speech entries are welcome for the meeting on 11th September.

Written by SK.

第277回日本語オンライン例会 (8月21日)














今期のスローガンは 明・楽・挑*1 / B・E・C*2

*1 (明るく・楽しんで・挑戦する) *2 (Bright-Enjoy-Challenge)



















文: 会長 志村

Best speech speaker: Kさん、Best table topic speaker: Kさん、Best evaluator: Sさん、TMOM: Gさん

Regular Meeting #274, 6/26

The meeting was held both on-site and online by hybrid style, for the first time in 2months(due to the cancellation of the state of emergency against Covid-19 in Tokyo).

We had 1 international guest from the U.S. via online.
International guests are on the increase since we started hybrid(On-site + Zoom) style meetings.

On that day, we had Club Officers Installation after the regular meeting.
In Toastmasters, Officers are changed every June, once a year.
TM K, who arranged these changes of officers, gave an impressive presentation about former officers as a surprise.
TM S, New President of Tokyo metropolitan Toastmasters club, gave a new fiscal year greeting.

The details of the regular meeting are as follows. 

Word of the day:”giddy” by TM I

1st prepared speech: TM K
Speech Title “Shall we dance?“
The speech was about her experience of ballroom dancing when she was a university student.
It was an exciting speech which was worthy of the day’s best speaker.

2nd prepared speech: TM I
“How to Date”
The speech was based on a book about how to get popular with the ladies.
As usual, it was a unique speech of TM I from a female perspective.

In toastmasters meetings, speeches are not only prepared one but also improvisational.
Improvisational speech is called “Table Topics Speech”.
That day’s Table Topics Speech session was arranged by TM K.
There were 4 topics, and all of the topics were related to “Rain”, because June is a rainy season in Japan.

The Best Speaker:  TM K.
The Best Table Topics Speaker:  TM M and Guest E.
The Best Evaluator TM W

The meeting was successfully adjourned on time.
The next meetings
– July 10th (Japanese meeting) from 10:00 to 12:00
– July 24th (English meeting)  from 10:00 to 12:00

Y. Yamashita

第273回 通常例会 (6/12)




Regular Meeting #272, 5/29

Date: May 29th,2021

Time: 10:00 Start, 11:50 Adjourn

The meeting was conducted in English.

It was held online.

The meeting theme was “looking for the silver lining”.

Covid19 cases are rising again, and rainy season is around the corner.

However, every cloud has a silver lining.

After the meeting, we felt brighter than before.

We could hold a great meeting thanks to kindness of members.


As president, membership TM K.S provided remarks.

We welcomed a guest from Indonesia!!


TM K.Y took a role of TMOM.

She took many roles and took her duty perfectly.

*Word of the day

TM Y.Y introduced “hope” “希望,願い”as today’s word of the day.

*Good and New

At this meeting, we had enough time.

So all members shared good or new things.

Especially many members showed their episode of that morning.

The early bird catches the worm!!

*News of the week

TM W.S introduced the Basic plan for transport policy.

Especially he shared freight fluctuation system.

This news was very useful for members.

Selecting this news is characteristic of him.

*Prepared Speech : TM O.M

Speech title:リーダーシップの種まき

The speech about her notice from her experiences of her job.

This speech was the first time for her.

She had an extensive vocabulary.

So we felt the possibility for the development of her speech.

*Evaluation for prepared speech : TM G.D

This evaluation was the first time for him at our club.

His evaluation was very clearly and logically.

*Table Topic : TM Y.R

There were 6 questions, and all of the topics were related to House.

5 members and 1 guest tried making a speech off the cuff.


Best speaker: TM O.M

Best evaluator: TM G.D

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM K.


We shared wonderful time.

I enjoyed spending time with members.

The next meeting will also be held online.

It is difficult that all members get together at the venue.

The night is long that never finds the day.

I hope to see members again soon!

Written by TM K.K