Joint Meeting with Leadership Toastmasters Club (English 2021/11/27)

Venue : Honkomagome Regional Center and Online(zoom) 

We had a hybrid Joint Meeting with Leadership Toastmasters Club(LeadershipTMC) This is the third joint meeting of our club this year. 

Leadership TMC has their regular meetings in English on the 2nd and the 4th Saturday. Since their meeting schedule is the same as our club, Joint meetings held once a year have been the only opportunity for us to attend the other club meeting each other. This year Leadership TMC members prepared for the Joint meeting mainly at the venue and this was the first hybrid type regular meeting for them. 

We had 11 members at the venue and 8 members via online including 3 guests and it became the first meeting at a venue with more than 10 members since last year. 

After the Club president of Leadership TMC’s opening speech, The Toastmaster of the morning(Leadership TMC member) started the meeting. 

Today’s ‘Word of the day’ was “reunion”.TM W involved both club members and guests at the Good & New session. 

Two speakers from our club delivered speeches, which were evaluated by two Leadership TMC members, and vice versa. Among speakers and evaluators, 2 speakers and one evaluator were online and 2 speakers and 3 evaluators were at the venue. We could learn from each club member and also learned how to communicate with each other online and at the venue at the hybrid type meeting. All the speeches were well prepared and all the evaluations were detailed and insightful. 

The table topics session was managed by a Leadership TMC Member. She prepared 4 table topics related to “Metropolitan” and “Leadership” and we enjoyed various TT speeches. 

Thanks to the time management of TMOM, the meeting was successfully adjourned on time. 

[Award Winners] 

Best Table Topic Speaker : TM K (Leadership) 

Best Evaluator :TM W(Leadership) 

Best Speaker : TM G(Our club) 

Congratulations to all award winners! 

written by YK