280th Regular Meeting (2021-09-25)

【Word of the day】

“fruitful” (adverb) / 実り多い

Grammarian introduced this adverb to make today’s meeting fruitful.

【Prepared Speech】

We have 2 speeches, one is in English and the other is in Japanese (special workshop-style).

“Aizuchi” (by TM K.K.)

“例会でデザインソフトの使い方を学ぼう” (by TM Y.K.)

【Table Topics Session】

*Table Topics: Training session for the impromptu speech

TM S.G. took the role of Table Topics Master.

He provided 4 topics relating to recent social and governmental issues.

Members made an effort to respond to these topics.


There were lots of learning experiences including Pathways, easy-speak, and club member’s website. I hope we will have the same kind of workshops.

【Next Meeting】

2021-10-09 (Sat.) Start at 10:00.