Regular Meeting #256, 9/26

#256 Regular Meeting (English)

Date : Saturday, 26th September 2020

Venue : Online and Fujimi Kuminkan

We had 8 members at venue and 4 members via online including one guest from Canada.

TM DM took a role of TMOM today onsite.

TM YS presented ‘Word of the day’ which was “Upgrade / アップグレード.”

TM YM broke out the Good & New session and TM HA presented News of the week.

[Prepared Speech Session]

There were two speeches and both of them were in Japanese.

1st Speaker : TM SW

Title: ブレイクアウトルーム活用術 (in Japanese)

He used Breakout Room of Zoom in the Club Officer Training and he explained how effective the members could discuss even via online. He explained technical functions of Zoom without technical terms, so audience can easily understood what it is like.

2nd Speaker : TM TK

Title: World Travel in Japan ~B級アルプス編~ (in Japanese)

He visited Kurobe Gorge (黒部峡谷) and Tateyama which were called Japan Alps, and went to Uozu in Toyama to eat Sushi. He explained what he found in local area such as unique store and food and those made the audience laugh.

[Table Topics]

The table topics session was managed by TM TT, who brought out the five unique questions.

Theme: ~beyond Covid 19~

1. If covid 19 is depressed much more, what ‘Go to’ project do you suggest?

2. What is your recommended way to eat rice?

3. Please talk your episode of alternative (select similar things or actions)

4. When (what month) do you want to have Fireworks in 2021?

5. If you have customary event or action in this season, please introduce it to us.

[Evaluation Session]

TM SK took a role of General Evaluator. Two evaluators, TM DM and TM GS gave not only good points but also points to be improved. They were helpful to all members.

[Award Winners]

Best Table Topic Speaker : TM YK (Guest)

Best Evaluator :TM GS

Best Speaker : TM TK

Congratulations for all award winners!

Hybrid style of regular meeting is getting normal to our club, but it is a NEW NORMAL for other toastmasters club. I hope we can sustain our style as our new normal.

Written by SK.